Slusher logo 2024

(530) 258-3474

Office Open M – F:  681 Main St. Ste. B Chester, CA 96020   Serving Lassen, Plumas, Tehama&  Beyond   CA Lic.# 396522 NV Lic. # 0087882



“It’s that simple; When those criteria are met, we can feel good about every job.” That’s the only way they do it, and something you should demand to ensure quality work on your home.


Slusher Plumbing-Heating-Cooling-Electric is a family business where Safety is #1. Following codes, pulling permits, getting inspectors, and doing things right ensures customer satisfaction and safety, the number one priority for Slusher Plumbing. If the job requires a permit, it gets one.


Factory Authorized Sales & Service  Have your Generac generator serviced by a Factory Authorized service facility. Count on Slusher for professional sales, plus Factory Authorized service & installation for your Generac generator


 Many local clients are not in their homes year ‘round so having a reliable company to count on is vital. Slusher serves hundreds of clients well with winterizing and reopening their homes in the spring. Insist on having things done right by a licensed contractor. The value is immeasurable.


This is one of those businesses that stands out in their field for upscale products and superior service. I learned a lot on my recent visit to Slusher Plumbing – Heating – Cooling – Electric. This family-owned, local business has been built on quality, thorough service, and a knowledge of the highest quality products since they opened at Lake Almanor in 1980.
Their pledge to serve their customers with superior products and service has not changed since, and can. As always, your family’s safety and comfort lead the way. That’s why so many homeowners trust all of their plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, and seasonal maintenance needs to Slusher. Many have counted on them for decades and share excellent reviews.
When I walked into their warehouse, where six company vehicles are housed, each next to the clean and organized space that is completely set up for stocking their trucks, it was impressive. Professionalism and attention to detail allows for quality, thorough work, according to Connie Slusher, co-owner and office manager for the company.
Their dedication to the safety of the families and businesses they serve, and for their staff, I also found impressive. It is easy to understand why they have so many regular clients. It is all about trust.  

SAFETY MATTERS: “We are protecting you when we cover all required permits and inspections.” Slusher Plumbing Heating Cooling Electric is all about details, the details of quality work that not only adds value to your home but protects your family with safely operating equipment. Their techs are highly skilled and fully trained. Their office is open for customers’ convenience. Their large, orderly warehouse and well-maintained trucks are continually stocked wfh quality parts and materials. This is a company that goes above and beyond to provide quality work.

EXPERIENCE MATTERS: Dave Sr. has 44 years experience and with son, Dave Jr.’s extensive experience and training, the company brings decades of knowledge backed up by their highly trained staff and an office that is open to serve you. Connie too has decades of experience working with suppliers and keeping quality materials on hand in the truck-stocking areas of their warehouse.

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE: Connie, and both Dave Jr. and Dave Sr. have a wealth of knowledge on products available and they choose top quality parts and equipment to ensure delivering a quality job in the end on any budget. Connie gets to know her customers and what they like. She said, “Many choose very high end products,” adding proudly, “and we can get anything.”